Local Living Monthly: Connecting Communities

Delivering feature articles and business promotions to 2500 households and businesses in Shefford, Clifton, and Letchworth.

Trusted by residents and businesses


Want to advertise with us?

If you want to advertise with us, please fill out the request form below, and we will get back to you.

To check out the advertising costs, just click HERE.

February 2025 advert space is all sold out. Now taking bookings for the March 2025 issue.
Only 3 half-page, and 2 full-page advert spaces left.
The March copy deadline is the 23rd February 2025

Local Living Magazine - Connecting Communities Through Content

Local Living Monthly is a complimentary publication that reaches 2500 residences and businesses in Shefford, Clifton, and Letchworth. Our A4-sized magazine showcases a blend of informative articles and promotional advertisements. With meticulous design and printing, we strive to provide our local communities with a monthly magazine that they deserve.

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Local Living Magazine Services

Explore our professional A4 magazine distribution services to 2500 households and businesses.

Targeted Distribution Services

Our distribution network enables you to connect with your target audience effectively. We cater to households and businesses in Shefford Clifton and Letchworth, ensuring that your message reaches the right people.

person reading book on white surface
person reading book on white surface
Quality Editorial Content

Our publication consists of a combination of editorial content and business advertisements within our expertly crafted A4 magazine of high quality.

We offer efficient advertising solutions tailored for local businesses and trade. Our advertisements are strategically designed to capture attention through our expansive large format advert areas. Our primary objective is to ensure that you do not fade away amidst a multitude of small adverts.

Local Business Promotion
Cereal book on white textile
Cereal book on white textile

Local Living magazine is a must-read for Shefford Clifton and Letchworth residents! Informative and engaging content.

Clarice Turner


gift boxes printed book
gift boxes printed book

Local Living Monthly

Discover our exquisitely curated publication showcasing captivating editorial narratives and business promotions. Meticulously assembled to provide our esteemed readers with unparalleled value from a community-oriented magazine.

woman holding clear glass candle holder and grayscale portrait of a woman
woman holding clear glass candle holder and grayscale portrait of a woman
opened page Valentine magazine
opened page Valentine magazine
white book page
white book page
clipped book page
clipped book page
person sitting on sofa while reading brochure holding teacup
person sitting on sofa while reading brochure holding teacup
eyeglasses with brown frames and open book
eyeglasses with brown frames and open book